Easter weekend opening hours

Good Friday – normal hours
Saturday – normal hours
Easter Sunday – normal hours

Easter Monday 1st April 2024
Bar 12-11pm / Kitchen 12-5pm
Kitchen closed in evening.

Christmas 2023

Details about our opening times through December and a copy of our Christmas specials board can be found on our facebook page

New Pub Dog!

We have a new pub dog! Freya, currently about 17 weeks old (born Oct 2022) is an unusual mix of Golden retriever, Standard poodle and Pyrenees mountain dog.

Christmas menu


Christmas schedule, opening times etc.


It wouldn’t be the GBG without us!


Always nice to get a bit of recognition!

Best pub & bar

Hampshire Bowman


Bring your own food to the pub on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Click HERE for more details

change to kitchen hours

Due to staff shortages and a dramatic increase in many of our overheads we have reluctantly taken the decision to close the kitchen on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3rd of May onwards until circumstances change for the better.

The bar will nonetheless remain open all day on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

We apologise for any inconvenience or disappointment this may cause; this was not a decision taken lightly.

Mark, Chloe and family.

Increased Sunday opening

From Sunday 20th June 2021, we will be increasing our opening hours for Sunday. Bar will now be open 12 – 8pm (kitchen remains 12-5)